Learn the 12 meridians of the body : a 12-day challenge for beginners ! Do you want to learn the meridians path of Traditional Chinese MedicineTCM – , kinesiology, reflexology or shiatsu ? Here is an activity book that will allow you to locate the major meridians on the human body !

Printable PDF format or 100-page workbook, in French or English, the activity book is designed as a fun and colorful approach to TCM. Its goal? Allowing you to learn the acupuncture or acupressure meridian chart in only 12 days. Check out its contents:

Activity workbook : learn the meridians path within 12 days

Colorful, clear, and progressive:
learn within 12 days how to locate and trace the meridians of the human body.


Livre 78 p. - Principes MTC + Fiches complètes 14 MERIDIENS
Détails du produit
UPC: 979-8353545248
Le Serpent de Jeanne: Livre
Dimensions: 15.24 x 0.48 x 22.86 cm
Poids: 172.00 g

Toujours disponible : commander sur AMAZON

> voir aussi le PDF 14 méridiens + principes

Le Mémo Méridiens est conçu comme une aide visuelle à l'apprentissage de la Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise :

78 pages en couleurs et des pictogrammes simples. Ils sont intégrés dans les représentations graphiques des fondements de la MTC : principes et méridiens.

Etudiants ou praticiens, le Mémo Méridiens est à conserver sous la main en complément des atlas d'acupuncture ou des livres qui abordent la théorie. Ici, des images, des synthèses sur les points et notions !

- 10 fiches de synthèse sur les principes fondamentaux

Cycle circadien, cinq éléments ou cinq mouvements, méridiens de main et de pied, points SHU antiques, Organes Internes ZangFu, Yin Yang, 6 niveaux, 4 couches

-14 fiches Méridiens comprenant

Les 12 méridiens principaux : Poumon, Gros Intestin, Estomac, Rate-Pancréas, Coeur, Intestin Grêle, Vessie, Rein, Maître du Coeur, Triple Réchauffeur, Vésicule Biliaire, Foie

+ les Vaisseaux Conception et Gouverneur

Les fiches méridiens synthétisent pour vous :
  • les éléments importants à retenir
  • la place dans le cycle circadien et celui des 5 éléments
  • 6 niveaux
  • les SHU antiques.
  • Le trajet est illustré sur le corps avec indication des points et noms chinois.

Pratique : 6 fiches à découper en fin d'ouvrage pour conserver des visuels sous les yeux pendant vos révisions
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Also available as instant PDF on the Etsy Store : convenient and available for instant printing at home after payment !


meridians of the body

12 acupuncture meridians line the human body. To obtain the 14 meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine, let’s add the Governor Vessel and the Conception Vessel, commonly taught at the same time as the first ones. They are easy to remember and thus added as an additional bonus to the activity book.

Ready ?

These workbook’s activities are progressive and divided into simple steps and drawings using visual, auditive and kinaesthetic integration. You will quickly be able to locate and draw the energetic meridians on the body in which the Qi flows, which is our vital energy.


Learn the meridians’ paths at the rate of one meridian per day. Not too slow, not too fast, with synthesis pages, reminders and quizzes allowing you to correctly anchor in your mind the meridians already explored.

They are trained three by three, and arranged according to their distribution on the human body and to the Yin and Yang theory :

12 meridians of the body


Among the main concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the YIN (in blue) and YANG (in red) theory. The workbook classifies the meridians by their extremities : the 6 « hand meridians » and the 6 « foot meridians ». In this way, pictograms « hand » and « foot » will help you to identify them easily.


Five key steps are suggested for each energy meridian:

  1. meridians chart
  2. gradual drawing
  3. quiz
  4. final drawing
  5. learn more

They will assist you in gradually integrating the relative position of the Chinese Medicine Meridians of the human body. Indeed, it is necessary to locate the path of the meridian you are studying, but also those of its neighbors!

Thus, the human body’s meridians map becomes clear.

The routes taken by the energy on the superficial branches of the meridians are learned while playing with your colored pencils.

meridians of the human body
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  • >>> serpent.jeanne@gmail.com

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